Ginger's Work

Providing medical care for missionaries and their families is part of the support needed to make the work of Bible translation successful. Sometimes, missionaries and their families need medical support on the field, transitioning to or from the field or while they are home on assignment. Wycliffe recruits and prepares nurses, doctors, lab technicians, physician assistants and other medical staff to serve the mission community abroad and at home. Ginger's many years of experience in the emergency room are a perfect skill set for her part-time work at the JAARS clinic in North Carolina. Click JAARS to learn more about their support of Bible translation.
Jim's Work
Websites - We help representatives from a language community create websites where they can share the Scriptures, cultural stories, linguistic material, community development information, videos and music. Many are excited to promote Scripture material, music with their instruments, cultural events, weddings, and holidays-all in their language. We send a small team to do a 6-10 day workshop with people from several language communities. We instruct them to use our software in the language of broader communication. The trainees work on getting media on their website usually by the second or third day. We also audit the websites to make sure they are appealing and functionally accurate. By the end of the workshop, most sites go live. Websites are great but that is not all we do.

Mobile Apps - Phone apps are the best way to get media out for others to use. After they get the app on their phone, they can use it anytime with or without internet.
We assist language communities by building and maintaining their phone applications. The apps we have done, pictured here, show a highlighted section where audio is read in that language. Doing stories in this fashion aides those who do not know how to read. They can see the text and hear the audio at the same time. But how do people find these websites and apps?

Social Media - Language communities are growing quickly in the use of Social media. Places that had no internet connection a few years ago are now able to go online. Even in the places that currently do not have data connection, most will in less time than we think. Our ministry focuses on helping communities market their media through different social media platforms. It is sort of an ecosystem where websites, mobile apps and social media work together to store, promote and deliver media to language communities.